On Thursday, I’m hosting a super important call I do not want you to miss. The topic …
“It’s Time For You to Stop Wasting Money On Things You
Don’t Really Need and Get Smart About Running Your Business”
By now, you’ve read the LIFT manifesto. You’ve heard Melanie Benson Strick, Ali Brown, Lisa Sasevich and MichelePW tell their stories of how having (or not having) a LIFT Foundation impacted their businesses. (If you haven’t, do so soon because the interviews are gone after Thursday.)
You are ready to stop doing in the business in the dark and have a real deal, serious eyes wide open business…but you probably aren’t sure where to start when it comes to the legal, insurance, financial and tax parts.
What do you really need? Where do you start? Where do you go for help?
I’ve got your answers!
Join me on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 10aPT PT/1p ET and get clear on exactly what you need to do next (and what you don’t!)
This is a one-time only call during which we’ll look at:
• The specific ways not having a LIFT Foundation (or having a shaky foundation) is holding you back in your business and what you can do about without getting taken to the cleaners.
• What you can do yourself if you are just starting out or want to keep things simple.
• What you need to have in place if you are a multi-passionate empire builder with tons of ideas and big vision.
• And I’m also going to reveal the one type of business owner who DOES NOT NEED my LIFT Foundation System in his or her business.
Regardless of where you are, you’ll leave with clarity about exactly what YOU need for YOUR business (and what you really don’t.)
I only have 250 available lines for this call, so please make sure you call in at least 5 min. early to make sure you can get on live and have the opportunity to receive hot seat coaching from me about the LIFT foundation you really need in your business plus hear about a very special LIFT offer only for people attending the call live.
Can’t make the call? No worries, sign up anyway and be on the VIP list to get a full 24 hours head start on getting the LIFT Foundation System in your hands. This could be very important as I only have 100 systems available at charter member pricing.
So, what are you waiting for? Go register! See you there. 🙂