Don’t you just love Zappos? Have no idea what I’m talking about? Zappos is the best shoe store both on the web and off. What makes it so great? Unlimited shoe shopping from home. They pay for shipping both ways so you can order what you want, try it on and send it back if you don’t like – no fuss, no muss.
Anyway, I’ve ordered all these boots for me and for my magic man. We’ll try em when they get here and return what we don’t love.
Here they are:

I’ll let you know after we try em on, how they went. Dave’s going to freak out when he sees them. He’s stepping way outside his comfort zone by coming to Burning Man, that’s for sure!
Before I met him, he was a good Catholic boy who had a normal, all-American, suburban lifestyle. Now, he’s hittin’ the playa with me for an event that culminates in the burning of “the man”.
Not to worry, he hasn’t lost his religion, he’s still a good Catholic boy. But, his mind is a bit more open now.
Now, check out some more of today’s purchases. Hipster/utility belts like this one are a must have for things like chapstick, glow sticks, tissues, food items, and all the other random stuff I’ll want to tote around for a day out on the playa with the kids. Picked this up from a store in India called Metaforce! Gotta love the internet!!
And, goggles are an absolute must for sandstorms. I got one of each of these for me and Dave from BikeBandit.com.

That’s all for now folks. Getting these images into this post is making me crazy and I still have to
order some corsets, tutus, and cloaks. 13 days until the RV is delivered!
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Edit thisCheck out this sweet wig I bought for Halloween (but with the Burn TOTALLY in mind as well!)
So fabulously tacky that it hurts in the best possible way!