I’ve Got Haters.

Well, it seems I’ve made it to the big leagues. Among my many 5 star reviews on Amazon, I’ve now got a 1 star review as well. Apparently, someone doesn’t like me.

Ah well.

One of the things I’m learning most through this journey is that not everyone is going to like me and not only is that okay, I welcome the haters.

Hello haters, welcome!

Is there any truly successful person who isn’t hated by a lot of people?

I was heartened to read in Barbara Walters book Audition (on my Kindle right now) that she was hated by Frank Sinatra, which was painful for her, but helped to reinforce for me that not everyone has to like me. Actually, it helped me understand that if everyone does like me, I’m not getting where I want to go and impacting millions of people.

Luckily, I was full on prepared for this by high school where I was called vicious names to my face as I walked down the halls for reasons I couldn’t figure out at the time, but now I totally get. It was the Universe’s way of prepping me to laugh at this 1 star review and all the rest that are sure to come over my lifetime.

Fortunately, I’ve gotten enough “Wow, I love your book!” “Holy Cow, Alexis, this book really does make legal planning easy and even enjoyable” and “Thanks Alexis, now I know just what to do to make sure my kids and money are taken care of if anything happens to me” that I can easily dismiss my 1 star reviewer as an unjustified hater who has it out for me.

It could be my boyfriend’s ex-wife, a former disgruntled employee (who by the way is now suing me for pregnancy discrimination!), or a handful of other people who are not entirely thrilled with my success. Or, maybe it’s someone who doesn’t know me at all.

And that’s cool too. In fact, I hope one day I’m as hated as Rachael Ray and Madonna and Suze Orman. When someone takes the time to set up a whole website, or in Suze’s case a whole TV segment, about why they hate me, I’ll know I’ve made it.

In the meantime, if you’ve read my book and didn’t hate it, please post your review on Amazon and let the world know that it made estate planning understandable, accessible and maybe even a little fun for you too. And if you don’t have your copy yet, get it so you can decide for yourself whether you are a hater or a lover. It’s less than $15 ($7.99 on the Kindle), so you really can’t lose either way.


  1. destinyjoyfulWednesday, May 28, 2008 at 2:16 pm 

    Sorry about that. It is NEVER fun to hear bad things about you, no matter what the age or circumstance.
    I haven’t read your book yet, but I used your online software and told all my friends about it. It’s even an upcoming blog topic for my blog.

    I’ll just echo you and say that you know you are doing good when the haters start coming out. You can always tell them by their cutting words. Always disregard them!
    Keep it up!

  2. consultgalThursday, May 29, 2008 at 1:33 am 

    Someone drank the haterade, eh?

  3. LA Blogger GalSaturday, May 31, 2008 at 3:06 am 

    what a great outlook. I’ve dealt with some haters and stalkers in my recent path (and I know they’re still around) and it can really suck. I’m going to see things your way from here on out and welcome those haters 😉

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