Thank you for your interest in working with me!
I’ve assembled the most frequently requested documents to make it as easy as possible for you.

The first step, if you haven’t done so already, is to sign up as a LIFT affiliate here. That way all of your promoting will earn you the bonus check you deserve. Your specific affiliate links will be emailed to you, so make sure to change the links in this script out as soon as you receive them.

If you have any questions, please email Michelle at [email protected].


Long Bio:

Alexis Neely has built 2 million dollar businesses, published a bestselling book and appeared on many of the top television shows as a legal expert, all while raising two kids and discovering her Truth. Today, she trains, coaches and strategizes with business owners on how to build a sustainable, make a difference business around who they are and how they want to serve through her ground-breaking Money Map technology and her (so badly needed in our industry) LIFT Foundation System. Follow her on Twitter at, visit her media site at or go behind the scenes as she talks about Life, Business and the Pursuit of Truth on her blog,

Short Bio:
On the outside, Alexis is a driven mom entrepreneur who has built two million dollar plus businesses in the past 6 years (and another 2 6-fig businesses at the same time), trains lawyers and appears on television; on the inside she’s got dreadlocks, at least half my body tatted, and live a Burning Man life.

Sample Interview Questions:

  • You say there are a lot of people talking about being conscious business owners, who aren’t really conscious.  What do you mean by that?
  • How does having legal, insurance, financial and tax in your business reflect consciousness?
  • What are some of the ways business owners are sabotaging themselves by not having a legal foundation in place?
  • How are uncertainties regarding insurance keeping business owners from growing their business?
  • Where do financial systems come into the picture?  How does not having financial systems result in a lack of freedom?
  • Give us 3 ways that the entrepreneurs on the call may be paying too much taxes this season and what can they do about it now?
  • What steps do business owners on the call need to take now create a  LIFT Foundation?

Sample Call Agenda

You introduce me to your list.
You tell them why you are having me on and why it’s so important for them to hear what we are going to talk about re legal, insurance, financial and tax even though these are things that most people don’t want to think about or talk about.

Then for each of the 4 sections of LIFT, we talk about:

1.  What happens if you don’t have it?
2.  Tell a story of some bad thing happening – either me or you can do this or both.
3.  One thing they can do right now  – the whole focus on this section is don’t be in the dark, get in the know, know what you need, know the right questions to ask.

Then, we have some more conversation about the system I put together to get them in the know and drive to the link to buy and you say how awesome it is and why they must get it and we tell them about the awesome bonuses you are throwing in because you want to take such good care of them.

LIFT Promotion:

Get LIFT for your business TODAY!
• Get all 5 complete VIDEOs of Alexis walking me through the 4 modules of exactly what I need to know to get my legal, insurance, financial and tax systems in place so that I can either do it myself or put in place a trust-worthy LIFT Team.
• Also receive CHECKLISTS, TEMPLATES, and FORMS I need to make sure I’m doing things the right way, hiring the right people, and not getting ripped off by someone who sees your inexperience and takes advantage of it.
• Receive over $3,000 of legal and financial services from my neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer® to get my personal legal planning handled, a Creative Business Lawyer™ to get my business legal foundation reviewed and a Virtual CFO to get my financials set up right.

Free Promotion:

Get over $500 worth of gifts for FREE!

My Game-Changing LIFT audio where I talk about:

* How to break through the fear of presenting an agreement to people you are entering into relationship with (this audio will eliminate your fear).
* How the agreement process helps you get clear about whether you want to work with the person you are entering into a relationship with or not before you are too entangled to get out.
*  How having agreements strengthens and enhances your relationships.
* Why it’s not fair to anyone to expect to rely on memory about what we agreed to do and what we expect.
* How to back up your hope, faith and trust with action.
* How to use the agreement process to invite open-hearted dialogue and establish the communication foundation for your entire relationship.
* What to do if you simply cannot do it.
* How to make sure you don’t get sidelined by a blind spot (and what to do if you do).

A copy of my “Personal Brand and Relationship Protection Agreement” that you must have everyone who ever works with you or does business with you sign

Please keep in mind, we would be happy to personalize any promotion or information for your exact needs.  Just contact Michelle at [email protected] and let us know what you’re looking for.

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